
A CLIL Approach to The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

This class takes an innovative approach to developing academic English skills for highly motivated

Japanese students in an elective upper-level academic English course. It is taught in a slightly CLIL

manner (Content and Language Integrated Learning), which means that there are support materials

in Japanese to help learners grasp the main concepts so they can focus on learning the academic

English that is so abundant in the main text. In a previous year, the text was divided into 22 equal

sections, and pairs of students made summaries in Japanese of the contents. They recorded these

and uploaded PDFs and audio files to a Moodle Database, which made it very easy for me to

manage and collate over 100 files and merge them together. While making the summaries was a

great learning experience, in future years these efforts do not have to be duplicated as student can

now benefit from these summaries.

The overall aim is to enable students to develop their proficiency in using English by doing

intensive, focused reading and listening to a book that’s internationally popular about living

effectively. There will be a focus on English listening skills and responding to comprehension

questions about the text context. Reading, listening, and speaking activities will be balanced to

develop students’ proficiency in academic English. This is Part 1 of a two-semester course covering

the habits of individual effectiveness (Part 2 covers interpersonal effectiveness).


グローバルインターンシップI(2) - ヒンクルマン D.W.
In this course you will undertake a software development project in teams of four students. The project will give you hands-on exposure to contemporary software development practices and infrastructure, including rapid iterative development, version control, collaborative planning, issue tracking, test automation and continuous integration. You will be delivering software to a real customer with real requirements. Your task is to detail the requirements, create a plan and deliver accordingly. Your deliverables will be verified and validated both by the course organisers and the customer who proposed the project.
The course is delivered as a mixture of lectures, private consulting sessions with a mentor, team meetings and collaborative work.








リフレクション・推薦ー新入学生: This is an English study site for AO and Recommended (推薦入試) English Dept. students for the 2022 school year. 2022年度のAO・推薦入試(推薦入試)英語科生のための英語学習サイトです。

仮のアカウントです。4月に新しいIDとパスワードが発行されます。These are temporary accounts. You will get a new ID and password in April. 

This course was designed to be used with:

Serious Fun (5th edition) textbook
James C. Jensen
Global Stories Press

This was for a class with weekly Zoom sessions. There are 12 Units which include oral activities that also include role play, oral surveys, conversations, etc which are in the textbook. (Also included are some Fun Quizzes to be used if you want but are not directly related to the material in the textbook.)

The video assessment module is for students and teachers to assess performances. Performances can be presentations, drama, skill demonstrations, nursing procedures, and tasks that can be video recorded. The Video Assessment Module won Best Innovation for Moodle plugins in 2015.

This course contains online homework activities for EC2

リフレクション・推薦ー新入学生: This is an English study site for AO and Recommended (推薦入試) English Dept. students for the 2021 school year. 2021年度のAO・推薦入試(推薦入試)英語科生のための英語学習サイトです。

These are temporary accounts. You will get a new ID and password in April. 仮のアカウントです。4月に新しいIDとパスワードが発行されます。

This EFL communication skills course was originally built for second year English majors in a low level Japanese university. It focuses on CEFR A2 and B1 professional and academic presentation skills. Students should have already completed CEFR A1 beginning level presentation skills in their high school or freshmen year. It is inspired by the three metaphors of Physical Message, Visual Message, Story Message of David Harrington and Charles LeBeau. This course was built from a twelve-year action research project that included teachers such as Geordie McGarty, Joel Rian, Ken Friesen, Don Hinkelman, Matt Cotter, Rob Olson, Brendon Muir and many others. Some of the unique points are:
- emphasis on prosody and non-verbal communication
- student video demonstrations of presentations
- flipped classroom approach with out-of-class videos and quizzes
- weekly progress bars & whole course gradebook
- ten fun warm-up presentations in small groups
- four recorded and assessed presentations with increasing rhetorical skills
- extensive self-assessment and peer-assessment
- Eiken/IELTS/Cambridge style impromptu presentation practice
- Final project of International Student Conference with outside audience (foreign students)

Webspace for the SALC (Self Access Language Center)

A course supporting English vocabulary development, designed for students at Sojo University.

This is a sample test of TOEIC paper-based test. Japanese introduction and instructions included.

We will learn travel English and about some interesting places.





We will learn travel English and about some interesting places.

This is a demonstration of mangoSTEEMS products that are suitable for integration with the Moodle platform.

This is a demonstration of MangoSTEEMS EdTech Products and our first integrations with Moodle.

This is a course to learn a variety of methods of teaching (and learning) English using technology. On top of the standard CALL system, Computer, Internet, Mobile Phone, and Tablets are the main focus of our exploration. We investigate how we can best utilize these modern technologies for improving students' understanding of English and their motivation to learn. Participants of this course are expected to actually try using each of the devices/media/tools/software programs that are introduced each week to test the effectiveness by themselves.

This is an English homework study site for AO and Recommended (推薦入試) students who chose to be majors in the English Department of Sapporo Gakuin University for the 2020 school year.  This courseware is public, open content that is licensed for Creative Commons--Share and Share-alike.

This is a course for learning about the GIFT formatting for importing questions to the question bank. 

It can be used as a self-instruction tool for teachers interested in learning how to import a variety of questions into Moodle's question bank. It can also be used to teach students how to create their own quizzes in an interactive or active-learning environment.

提出期限があるものもありますので、 全体を把握し、学習計画を立てておきましょう。

異文化間コミュニケーション論 - 石川園代

異文化間コミュニケーション論 - 石川園代

This is a course for the English Communication 1 2017 curriculum - Semester 1 - Units 1-6.

This website has many extras to use with the textbook.

This is a course for learning about the GIFT formatting for importing questions to the question bank. It can be used by students creating their own quizzes or by teachers who would like to learn about using the GIFT format.

This is a course for learning about the GIFT formatting for importing questions to the question bank. It can be used by students creating their own quizzes or by teachers who would like to learn about using the GIFT format.

This semester will focus on videos about various countries and travel information found primarily on Youtube. Prints providing key vocabulary and expressions will be given out in most classes.

Students will be responsible finding and sharing videos in many classes. These videos will comprise 30% of student grades. Students will also create a presentation describing how to make a recipe not covered in the class.

模擬試験 TOEIC Practice Test 2. This is a sample test of TOEIC paper-based test. Japanese introduction and instructions included. 2010 version.  模擬試験 = practice test

This is a sample test of TOEIC paper-based test. Japanese introduction and instructions included. 模擬試験 means practice test.

学術英語特論:  これは大学院レベルの学術英語特論のコースです。このコースでは学術論文に使われる英語、学術発表でよく使われる英語表現の特徴を理解し、英語で論文が書けることを目標とします。また、併せて英語を通してリサーチとはどういうものかという問題や、リサーチの方法、またリサーチの注意点についても学びます。

This is the introductory course for Python for Beginners.  Please start here if you have no experience coding in Python.  This course is self-paced; you can proceed through the course, but need to complete each unit before moving on to the next unit.

This is a course for the Dream in English 1 curriculum - Semester 1 - Units 1-6 - Open Template

These are some blended learning exercises to practice problematic sounds and stress for Japanese learners of English. Created by Ms. Ching of Chiang Mai University.  Includes exercises created by Elton LaClare and Don Hinkelman.

Reading Time Count


This course contains a range of example activities designed to develop the skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking.

This is an English study site for AO and Recommended (推薦入試) students from 2017.

These are temporary accounts. You will get a new ID and password in April.


使用テキスト:児玉俊介(2013)「ベーシック マクロ経済学 (第2版)」中央経済社, 1〜8章を使用

模擬試験 TOEIC Practice Test 2.

This is a sample test of TOEIC paper-based, institutional test.

Introduction, instructions, and quiz feedback in Japanese included. 2010 version.
